Cannabis Infusion 101, What you need to know

Cannabis Edible companies spend their mornings transforming flour, Cannabutter made from low grade weed, sugar and lots of other mysterious things, into pastries, cakes, cookies, etc. — so you don’t have to!? You bow down before them as if their dry, tasteless “treats” are the gods own Ambrosia. But every once in a while, you Think about grabbing the apron and whipping up a batch of brownies.

Baking excellence Does not line the shelves of most dispensaries, there are now some restaurants or “coffee shops” that make some excellent Cannabis Confections for $30. per serving.
Why buy a dry “infused” edible? It’s not the marijuana that is causing that dry mouth. Why not make your own gooey, chewy, and super Dank edibles?
Experimenting with different products and brands is highly recommended. But every once in a while, it’s also a blast to make your own cannabis edibles. If you are a stoner, like me, (and of course you are) It may be the most Baked than you ever have been in the kitchen.

Cannabis Infusions 101

The base of all cannabis baked products is the cannabis-infused fats, normally butter or oil (one of the more popular oils for flavor as well as its ability to infuse THC/CBD is coconut oil).
step #1 — making the cannabutter or oil — is the only unusual ingredient. After that step, the rest of them are similar to what can be found in everyday recipes.

People ask Me, which edibles are the best and which types will work for certain symptoms? Facts are, the answer is mostly dependent on you and your preferences towards cannabis. On top of that, many factors also depend on a person’s body and the way it interacts with specific cannabis compounds (cannabinoids). Since THC/CBD affects every body differently, 

*Always see a doctor before starting any medications!*

MightyFast Herbal Infuser

Through understanding the different types of products available, there is an effective method for finding the perfect edible for you. There is a growing number of infusion processes and infusion machines that make cooking with cannabis more accessible and new types of edibles are hitting shelves all the time, some have more exact results, while others generate widespread effects.

Recipes for cannabutter, cannaoil, THC Infused Liquors, and Tinctures.

Recipes all deal with numbers, in terms of ingredient quantities, cooking times, and temperatures. The math is a bit more complex for cannabis baking. Don’t worry, It’s not hard. The worst math comes from figuring out how much THC per serving, — for example, you want 10 mg of THC/CBD for each chocolate chip cookie, and then making a batch of cookies with the right amount of your marijuana infusion that will work.

Cannabis strains are each unique, each has different percentages of THC to CBD. In a perfect world, the cannabis dispensary where the marijuana was scored would post the THC/CBD concentration plainly on the package. If not, make sure you know the cannabis strain, and then google how much the THC content is, normally.

Chocolat eChip cookie              

The best edibles use decarboxylated marijuana, the cured cannabis is heated, at a low Temperature, until the THC is activated. Infusing without decarbing works also — when you cook your brownies, the heat will activate most of the THC, But decarbing will ensure all available THC is activated. The THC/CBD is more available, and at a greater concentration.Use yourself as a guinea pig, (it’s a rough job, but somebody has got to do it). without lots and lots of practice dosing, your products will never be as precise as the stuff from the dispensaries.

Proportion Control for Homemade Cannabis Infusion

The amount of cannabis to butter is dependent on the THC/CBD concentration of your marijuana. People looking for strong concentrations might use one ounce of cannabis to one pound of butter (2 cups). The more typical ratio, is 1/2 ounce cannabis to 1 pound of butter.
Either way, remember, the particular strains THC/CBD percentages will influence the potency. Some marijuana strains are higher than 30% THC. Others are less than 15% THC. If the math sounds too complicated or time consuming,  on-line dosage caculators can do the work for you. If you really want to get down to the nitty gritty, and do your own Math, I have added complete instructions at the bottom of the page


Common Cannabis Infusion Mediums


Oils are the best choice, in my opinion, when infusing cannabis for cooking. It is the most versatile. Coconut oil has emerged as a popular choice. While other oils are better for some things, coconut oil seems to be a dominating topic when looking for marijuana oil infusion. Coconut oil is the best binding agent for THC/CBD infusions. The acids in coconut oil have shown health benefits, mostly in the stomach. More options that provide similar benefits include olive, veggie and nut oils.



Cannabutter serves as the favorite precursor to oil infusion. As the binding ingredient that’s turned edibles into the cannabis products they are, THC/CBD butter has helped a range of chronic pain sufferers address their comfort and lack of appetite. Both butter and oil allow for you to control your dosage better than smoking might while delaying the psychotropic effects for some time.


Cannabis infused Tinctures use alcohol (e.g. pure grain alcohol, not rubbing alcohol) to absorb the cannabinoids. You dose droplet amounts, directly in your mouth or add to a beverage, it is absorbed through the mucous membranes in the mouth and the stomach lining.

Milk or Cream:
marijuana milk is a cannabis-infused treat that can be created with any kind of milk, including dairy milk and cream, nut, coconut or soy milk. The higher the fat content of your chosen milk base, the more effective it will be at absorbing cannabis’s active ingredients, like the cannabinoids THC and CBD. For best results, we recommend using full-fat dairy or coconut milk. THC/CBD Infused milk/cream can be used in many recipes,use when oil or butter are not used, and it is great with chocolate chip cookies.


Liquors may also  be infused with THC/CBD. Brandy or rum are my favorites. Cannabis tinctures, also known as green or golden dragon, are alcohol-based cannabis extracts – essentially, infused alcohol. In fact, tinctures were the main form of cannabis medicine until the United States enacted cannabis prohibition. They can be added to coffee and other beverages or added to a main course. I personally don’t like to drink while high but I like to add it for the flavor


7 Cannabis Consumption Methods and Benefits

Recreational and medical cannabis dispensaries Now carry a wide selection of edibles in many different shapes, sizes, and doses. While a large variety is always good, it can be hard to find the best edible for your needs.

To help you better understand the ways they affect the human body, let’s look at what cannabis infused edible options are out there.

#1 Liquid Edibles:

Chronic pain sufferers greatly benefit from cannabis infused beverages, tea in particular. Like edibles, drinking THC/CBD is taken in through the digestive tract. This is slower acting, taking from a half hour to hours before taking effect, and stays in the body longer.
Normally, marijuana infused drinks and teas give pain sufferers a little extra time before they need another dose.
With drinks, I think it is best to stick with tea, as its healing properties go well with CBD/THC properties. Marijuana and tea, make a dynamic one-two punch for combating anxiety and digestive issues.


#2 Solid Edibles:

Solid THC Edibles, (my speciality) are another excellent choice for those seeking to help with chronic pain and/or depression. The drawback to solid or liquid edibles are in their dosing. Home made foods have the potential to vary greatly from one to the other, with every single portion having a different dose, (the same as calories in any food). Newbies should get some advice the first time, be it a doctor or dispensary. Needless to say, solid edibles are a great and tasty choice. 2018 saw gummy bears and mints as the most sought after edibles. Healthier snacks and even dining experiences are now options available in some areas, and worth considering, if your pocket book can handle the high price.

#3 Tinctures:

An Infused Tincture is a classic THC edible method and is coming back, due to its ease of use, and over all benefits. Tinctures are cannabis-infused alcohol extracts that are great for everything, from a few drops into the mouth, to combining with solid edibles or drinks. Non-smokers like tinctures for their accurate dosing, and easy application. If you’re a slow user, tinctures are great due to their long shelf-life. Apply a few drops under the tongue whenever, without worrying if your stash is no good.

#4 Sprays:

Basically tinctures in spray form, THC mixed with alcohol. By spraying under your tongue, you get a micro-burst dose of CBD/THC. Sprays are great for on-the-go dosing, as well as for those seeking discretion. People with anxiety or pain can benefit from the Quick effects Although, some may need more applications than they would with a drink or edible. There is a good deal of comfort in having a spray that you can quickly take anywhere from home, the office, or most any where really.

#5 Inhalers:

Inhalers are a recent entry, with the Vape-pens and the Inhalers being the big winners for 2018.Part spray and part vape, cannabis inhalers give users a quick dose without burning up your stash. Like sprays, inhalers enjoy discrete on-the-go hits without anyone knowing the wiser.


#6 Cannabis Powders:

More and more people are becoming aware of powdered cannabis. Some of these powders have no taste and can be mixed with any liquid to pump up your cannabinoids. They can be added to other powders, like protein powder or workout supplements, you can boost your workout and also get the benefits of THC.

Marijuana powder makes good sense as the use of cannabis in workouts becomes more of a trending topic. Still no definitive answer, but THC/CBD and working out have links to quicker recoveries and lower fasting insulin levels that can help keep off the weight.

#7 Cannabis Topicals:

THC/CBD combined with a penetrating topical cream is absorbed through the skin, and allows for direct application to affected areas (e.g. allergic skin reaction, muscle strain, inflammation, etc.)
Cannabinoids interact with CB1 and CB2 receptors that are found all over the body. Both THC and Cannabidiol (CBD) have been reported to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Topical THC/CBD use does not produce a psychoactive effect, which is not the same as eating or inhaling.


Marijuana infusion dosage Math

OK, Here is the Math:

1 gram of flower is also 1000 milligrams of flower.

let’s assume your cannabis is 10% THC, a low ratio that is readily available. But the point of using 10% here is to make the math easily scalable. If the THC of the cannabis, instead is 20%, then you know that following these guidelines will produce a infusion that is twice the potency of the infusion with a 10% THC content.
With 1000 mg. (1 gram) of bud at 10% THC, the THC content is 100 mg. (= 10% of 1000).
A typical THC dose is 10 mg., so 1 gram of 10% cannabis produces 10 – 10 mg. servings. If the strain was 20% THC, 1 gram marijuana produces 20 – 10 mg. servings.
Let’s try this with a whole ounce of bud, that’s 28 grams. One ounce of 10% THC flower has 2,800 mg. of THC, or 280 doses of 10 mg. each.

If your pound of cannabutter used 1/2 oz. of bud with 10% THC, that is 140 servings. So you want a batch of 70 cookies, with a dose of 10 mg. each, then we need 700 milligrams of THC in the batch. If a pound of butter holds 2,800 milligrams of THC, then the cannabutter for the recipe will need to be a quarter-pound of cannabutter. If your recipe calls for more than a 1/4 pound of butter, add non-infused butter to get the right amount for your recipe.

Because of the decarboxylation process and cooking in the home, THC concentrations are rarely uniform. The goal is to come as close as possible. Short of testing every cookie, actual THC content will be very hard to pin down exactly. There are many on-line dosage calculators you can use to do the math for you.


Always remember:
Each strain’s THC content is different. These guidelines are for cannabis with 10% THC, but more likely your marijuana will contain closer to 20%. Knowing the THC content of the cannabis flower is essential, only then do you get close enough to making edibles with consistent uniform doses.
After you bake that batch of Ginger Bud Snaps, and you think the cookies have 10 mgs of THC, eat one, and chill for at about 2 hours, and see what happens. You will then know if one cookie is good, not enough, or too much. Make a note of it, and adjust your recipe for next time.
When you portion cookies use an ice cream scoop or a tablespoon measure to make consistent portions of cookie dough, ensuring all of the cookies are the same size. With brownies, use a ruler to insure you cut each brownie into equal sizes.
Mixing the butter into your recipe is key. You want the THC infusion evenly distributed through out the batter so you have uniform serving sizes and also have consistent THC content in each portion.
